Research & Publications


The mission of the Maison de la Science is to conduct a research program. The research we wish to carry out, as well as the publications that result from it, concerns two major aspects: the museum's collections and cultural mediation.

Moreover, as a museum of the University of Liège, we wish to offer a place of training for students, especially those in cultural mediation and museology.


Collections research

The aim of collections research is to study and deepen our knowledge of a particular heritage, that of science and technology, and its production context.

Article : Le goniomètre de Giuseppe Cesàro 

iconeDownload Publication - le goniomètre de Giuseppe Cesàro 


Research in cultural mediation

Research in cultural mediation aims to study mediation practices, their uses and effects. As such, conducting research in cultural mediation also means analysing relations with audiences.

Poster : You have a date with the science under construction 

iconeDownload Poster - You have a date with the science under construction

Colloquium : Les musées universitaires & leurs publics 

iconeDownload Actes de colloque : Les musées universitaires et leurs publics


Student projects

As a museum of the University of Liège, the Maison de la Science wishes to appear as a place of training for students (internships, theses, various works...).

Analysis of the public : Analyse du public familial de la Maison de la Science 

iconeDownload Analyse du public familial de la Maison de la Science 

Thesis : Entre pluralité d'appellations et pluralité de fonctions. Enquête auprès des "médiateurs culturels" de la Maison de la Science de Liège

iconeDownload Entre pluralité d'appellations et pluralité de fonctions 

Thesis : L'escape game en tant que dispositif de médiation scientifique. Analyse à partir de l'expérience menée à la Maison de la Science

iconeDownload L'escape game comme dispositif de médiation scientifique

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