


In 1980, at the instigation of Professor Henri Brasseur, the Maison de la Science unofficially opened its doors. Inspired by the spirit of the museum Le Palais de la Découverte in Paris, it was one of the first permanent organizations in Belgium whose mission was to promote and popularize science for all audiences. It will be officialized as a non-profit organization in 1991, with the University of Liege, the City of Liege, the non-profit organization Science et Culture and the non-profit organization "Le Grand Liège" as founding members.



All the activities carried out within the Maison de la Science are intended to reduce the isolation of science in the cultural landscape, through a transversal approach, by the choice of societal themes, by the collection of objects that have been used to train generations of scientists and all other actions that put science at the heart of human activity.

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